Monday, August 27, 2007

Hope Floats down Clark Street.

Creepy red eyes stare down on Clark.

Gotham City Towing is tough.

$250 Fine. But for What?!

I got excited when I saw a host of trucks near Roscoe; I thought it was a large turnout to fix that pot hole. Nope. They were laying new track (which kinda sounds dirty.)

Smoke enough "Reef" and you would get Red Eyes.

The iO (ImprovOlympic) finally gives up and changes to Cubbie Blue.

New hole on Clark. This was purposefully made.

Down Clark, over in Old Town.
("When you're slapped you'll take it and you'll like it.")

Still in Olde Towne on Clark. This bus shelter was completely infested with large spiders of various kinds.
And here is their king:

The severe weather called for some on-site visits from Belfor.

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