Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 28, 2007

Subject: Clark Street. Patient seems quiet, serene at night.

Patient exhibits strange spotting. Stains are not oil or wet, but will mysteriously last for several days. Perplexing.

Patient has tattooed a new bike lane even though it had the same tattoo several years ago and it failed miserably.

Patient exhibits poor judgement. One night stands were obviously planned as a "stayover" kit was found on a corner. (Obviously the male animus packed this bag as no woman under 70 would use a comb like that.)

Friends, family, and even the subject has ignored all warning signs.

Violent behavior is frequent now and will only increase (if past years have shown us anything) as the days get hotter and drunkier. The photo directly above and below was a particularly distressing incident in that the presence of police did little to affect the violent behavior as did several tiny girlfriends begging their male counterparts to "just let it go!"

Patient still remains whimsical at times.

Patient still demonstrates a strong appetite and seems to be proud of its epicurean history no matter how carny.

Patient is now resting comfortably.

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